
ADD: Helping Your Child     By: Warren Umansky and Barbara Steinberg

ADD    By: Glenn Hunsucker

Driven to Distraction    By: Edward Hallowell and John Ratey

Delivered From Distractions    By: Edward Hallowell and John Ratey

The Link Between ADD and Addiction    By: Wendy Richardson

The Addictive Personality    By: Craig Nakken

Addictive Thinking    By: Abraham Twerski

Substance-Abusing High Achievers: Addiction as an Equal Opportunity Destroyer   By: Abraham Twerski

Rising Recovery    By: William White

Parenting the Addicted Teen    By: Barbara Krovitz-Neren

At Wit’s End    By: Jeff Jay and Jerry Boriskin

Addictive Relationships    By: Joy Miller

The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work    By: John Gottman

Non-Drug Treatment    By: Dr. Richard Brown

For Adults

Child and Domestic Abuse – Compact Practical Guide    By: Daniel Eidelsohn

Breaking the Silence    By: David Mandel & David Pelcovitz

Don’t Hit My Mommy!   By: Alicia Lieberman & Patricia Van Horm

Interviewing Children About Sexual Abuse   By: Kathleen Coulborn Faller

I’m So Confused, Am I Being Abused?   By: Lisa Twerski

The Batterer As A Parent   By: Lundy Bancroft

     For Children

Follow the Ladybug    By: Jennifer Molinari

When Dad Hurts Mom    By: Lundy Bancroft

Lets Stay Safe    By: Malka and Arthur Krausman

Uncle Willie’s Tickles – A Child’s Right To Say No     By: Marcie Aboff

I Said No!   By: Zack and Kimberly King

Preparing for Life: The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood   By: Jed Baker

The Al-Anon Family Groups    Classic Edition

The Essentials of Parental Alienation Syndrome: It’s Real, It’s Here and It Hurts      By: J Bone & Robert Evans

Don’t be a Menace on Sundays    By: Adolph Moser

A Volcano in My Tummy    By: Elaine Whitehouse and Warwick Pudney

How to Take the Grrr out of Anger   By: Elizabeth Verdick and Marjorie Lisovscis

Anger-Free    By: Doyle Gentry

What to do When Your Temper Flares    By: Dawn Huebner

Please Explain “Anxiety” to Me!    By: Laurie Zelinger and Jordan Zelinger

Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong: A Guide to Life Liberated from Anxiety    By: Kelly G Wilson

What to do When You worry Too Much    By Dawn Huebner

Supercharge Your Emotions to Win: 7 Keys to Achieve the Life you Desire and Deserve    By: Benjamin Halpern

Freedom from Fear: Overcoming Anxiety, Phobias and Fear   By: Howard Liebgold

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety    By: Tamar E. Chansky

Slowing Down to the Speed of Life    By: Richard Carlson and Joseph Baily

Mind Over Mood    By: Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky

The Anxiety Phobia Workbook    By: Edmound J. Bourne

Self-Coaching: How to Heal Anxiety and Depression    By: Joseph J. Luciani

When Panic Attacks: The new, drug-free anxiety therapy that can change your life     by: David Burns

Women Who Worry Too Much    By: Holly Hazlet-Stevens

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy    By:  David Burns

The Opposite of Worry   By: Laurence Cohen

Dancing with Fear    By: Paul Foxman

When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough    By: Richard Swinson and Martin Anthony

The Taharas Hamishpacha Workbook  By: Dovid Kaufman

Anxiety (Children’s Books)

Stories Straight From Avi’s Heart    By: Chaim Walder

Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)    By: Eline Snell

Appropriate and Inappropriate Touching

I Said No: a kid to kid guide to keep private parts private    By: Zack and Kimberly King

My Body is Private    By: Linda Girard

It’s My Body    By: Lory Freeman


The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome    By: Tony Attwood

Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger’s Syndrome    By: Liane Holliday Willey

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult Asperger’s Syndrome    By: Valerie Gaus

The Way I See It    By: Temple Grandin

At Risk – Never Beyond Reach    By: Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch

Against The Wall    By: Ruthie Pearlman

Done With the Crying    By: Sheri McGregor


Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew    By: Ellen Notbohm

Life and Love: Positive Strategies for Autistic Adults   By: Zosia Zacks

The Way I See It    By: Temple Grandin

Social Skills Picture book for high school and beyond    By: Jed Baker

Getting to Dry    By: Max Maizels, Diane Rosenbaum, and Barbara Keating

Man’s Search for Meaning    By: Victor Frankl

Finding Light in the Darkness    By: Shaul Rosenblatt

The Survivors Club    By: Ben Sherwood

Always Looing Up    By: Michael Fox

Why Me G-d    By: Lisa Aiken

Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder    By: Julie Fast and John Preston

Preventing Bipolar Relapse    By: Ruth White

Mood Swing    By: Ronald Fieve

Surviving Mental Illness, My Story    By: Linda Naomi Katz

The Bipolar Advantage    By: Tom Wootton

An Unquiet Mind    By: Kay Redfield Jamison


Stop Walking on Eggshells    By: Paul Mason and Randi Kreger

The High Conflict Couple    By: Alan Fruzzetti

The Essential Family Guide tor BPD    By: Randi Kreger

I Hate You Don’t Leave Me    By: Jerald Kreisman  and Hal Straus

Borderline Personality Disorder: Meeting the Challenges to Successful Treatment    By: Perry Hoffman and Penny Steiner-Grossman

Bullying Prevention: Creating a Positive School Climate and Developing Social Competence    By: Pamela Orpinas and Arthur M. Horne

King of the Playground    By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Simon’s Hook: A Story about Teases and Put Downs    By: Karen Barnett

Emotional Muscle: Strong Parents, Strong Children    By: Kelly Novick and Jack Novick

Bullycide in America: Moms speak out    Compiled by: Brenda High

Please Stop Laughing at Me    By: Jodee Blanco

The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystanders: From Preschool to High School    By: Barbara Coloroso

Nobody    By: Erin Frankel and Paula Heaphy

My Friend the Bully     By: Rifka Schonfeld

Just Kidding     By: Trudy Ludwig

The Hundred Dresses    By: Eleanor Estes

Say Something    By: Peter H. Reynolds

Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boys, and the New Realities of Girl World      By: Rosalind Wiseman


Late, Lost and Unprepared    By: Joyce Cooper-Kahn and Laurie Dietzel

How to Handle A Hard to Handle Kid    By: Drew Edwards

I Can Be Mevater    By: Sara Blau

Siblings without Rivalry    By: Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

Sexualized Children    By: Eliana Gil and Tony Cavanagh Johnson

Taking Action! Support for Families with Sexualized Behavior Problems    By: Jane Silovsky

Stop! Just for Kids: From Kids with Sexual Touching Problems    By: Terri Allred and Gary Burns

Codependent No More    By: Melody Beattie

Returning to Joy: A Jewish Self Care to Overcoming Depression    By: Joshua Mark

The Mindful Way Through Depression Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness    By: Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn

Learned Optimism    By: Martin Seligman

The Happiness Trap    By: Russ Harris

Beat the Blues Before They Beat You    By: Robert Leahy

Feeling Good   By: David Burns


The Developing Mind    By: Daniel Siegel

Trauma-Proofing Your Kids: A Parent’s Guide for Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience    By: Peter Levine and Maggie Kline

1-2-3 Magic    By: Thomas Phelan

Why do Children Misbehave? And How to React

The Good Divorce    By: Constance R Ahrons

Dinosaurs Divorce    By: Laurie Brown and Marc Brown

Listen to ME!  Your Child and Your Divorce    By: Daniel Gottlieb

Helping Your Kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way    By: Gary Neuman

Mom’s House, Dad’s House    By: Isolina Ricci

Two Homes    By: Claire Masural

Putting Children First: Proven Parenting Strategies for Helping Children Thrive Through Divorce    By: JoAnne Pedro-Carroll

Divorce Poison New and Updated Edition: How to Protect Your Family from Badmouthing and Brainwashing    By: Richard  Warshak

Facing Codependency    By: Pia Mellody

The Intelligent Divorce    By: Mark Banschick

Rebuilding: When your Relationship Ends    By: Bruce Fisher and Robert Alberti

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study    By: J. Wallerstein, J. Lewis and S. Blakeslee

Divorce Poison New and Updated Edition: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing      By: Dr. Richard A Warshak

Losing Your Pounds of Pain    By: Doreen Virtue

Eating Disorders: A Parents Guide    By: Rachel Bryant-Waugh and Bryan Lask

The Thin You Within You    By: Abraham J. Twerski

Food Addiction: The Body Knows    By: Kay Sheppard

We Need to Talk    By: Rochel Sofer

Making Weight: Men’s Conflict with Food, Weight, Shape and Appearance    By: Arnold Anderson, Leigh Cohn and Thomas Holbrook

Children and Teens Afraid to Eat    By: Frances Berg

The Eating Disorder Sourcebook    By: Carolyn Costin

Preventing Childhood Eating Problems    By: Jane Hirschman

Body and Soul    By: Caroline Peyser

A Starving Madness    By: Judith Ruskay Rabinor

Surviving an Eating Disorder: Strategies for Families and Friends    By: Michele Siegel,  Judith Brisman and Margot Weinsel

“I’m Like so Fat”    By: Dianne Neumark-Sztainer

When Food is Love    By: Geneen Roth

It’s Not About the Weight    By: Susan Mendelsohn

The Hungry Self    By: Kim Chernin

Searching for God in the Garbage    By: Bracha Goetz

Just Kidding    By: Trudy Ludwig

Say Something  By: Peggy Moss

My Secret Bully    By: Trudy Ludwig

My Friend the Bully    By: Rifka Schonfeld

The Biggest Nose    By: Kathy Caple

Stick Up for Yourself    By: Gershen Kaufman, Lev Raphael and Pamela Espeland

Emotional Muscle    By: Kerry and Jack Novick

I See You    By: Michael Genhart

All My Stripes    By: Shaina Rudolph and Danielle Royer

My Parents Are Divorced Too    By: Annie Ford, Jann Blackstone-Ford, Melanie Ford, and Steven Ford

Asperger’s Teen    By: Blythe Grossberg

Asperger’s Rules! How to Make Sense    By: Blyhte Grossberg

Depression: A Teen’s Guide to Survive and Thrive    By: Jacqueline Toner and Claire Freeland

Something Very Sad Happened    By: Bonnie Zucker

Ben’s Flying Flowers    By: Inger Maier

The Hugging Tree    By: Jil Neimark

Samantha Jane’s Missing Smile   By: Donna Pincus and Julie Kaplow

Gentle Willow    By: Joyce Mills

This is Me and My Two Families    By: M.D. Evans

Do You Sing Twinkle    By: Sandra Levins

Bounce Back    By: Wendy Moss

What Can I Do    By: Danielle Lowry

I Don’t Want to Talk About it    By: Jeanne Franz Ransom

Why Are You So Sad    By: Beth Andrews

Big Red and the Little Bitty Wolf    By: Jeanne Franz Ransom

Ouch! Moments when words are used on harmful ways    By: Michael Genhart

Blue Cheese Breath and Stinky Feet    By: Catherine Depino

Shield UP    By: Marcella Craver

Danny and the Blue Croud    By: James Foley

Mr. Worry    By: Holly Niner

I’m Gonna Like Me    By: Jamie Lee Curtis

Let’s Do That Again    By: Hiawyn Oram

The Kissing Hand    By: Audrey Penn

Yertle the Turtle    By: Dr. Seuss

Horton Hears a Who    By: Dr. Seuss

Sam and the Firefly    By: P.D. Eastman

Curious George    By: H.A. Rey and Margret Rey

The Little Engine That Could    By: Watty Piper

The Seven Habits of Happy Kids    By: Sean Covy

Up and Down the Worry Hill    By: Aureen Wagner

I Can’t Believe You Said That: A story about my Social Filter    By: Julia Cook


Intuitive Eating    By: Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

Saying Goodbye    By: Neal Goldberg and Miriam Lieberman

Saying Goodbye to Grandpa    By: Moshe Halevi Spero

Saying Goodbye to Grandma    By: Moshe Halevi Spero

I Lost Someone Special    By: Bracha Goetz

When Dad Died    By: Lester Sireling and Sheila Hollins

When Mum Died    By: Lester Sireling and Sheila Hollins

Will I Ever be Happy Again    By: Chaya Milevsky

When Someone Very Special Dies    By: Marge Heegaard

The Grief Recovery Handbook    By: John James and Russel Friedman

The Bereaved Parent    By: Harriet Sarnoff Schiff

When the Bough Breaks: Forever after the death of a son or daughter    By: Judith Bernstein

After the Loss of A Child: Living with Loss Through the Years    By: Ann Finkbeiner

The Blessing of A Broken Heart    By: Sherri Mandel

When Someone Has a Very Serious Illness    By: Marge Heegaard


Systemic Treatment of Incest    By: Terry Trepper and Mary Barrett

Talking to Your Children About Intimacy    By: Sara Diament

The Emotional Incest Syndrome    By: Patricia Love and Jo Robinson

Talking About Intimacy and Sexuality. A Guide for Orthodox Jewish Parents    By: Yocheved Debow

Newlywed’s guide to physical intimacy. Eis Leehov         By: Jennie Rosenfeld and David Ribner

Marital intimacy. A Traditional Jewish Approach        By: Rabbi Avraham Peretz Friedman

I Am For My Beloved. A Guide to Enhanced Intimacy For Married Couples            By: David Ribner & Talli Y. Rosenbaum


The Explosive Child    By: Ross Greene

Lost At School    By: Ross Greene

When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough    By: Richard Swinson and Martin Anthony

Battle of the Mind    By: Avrohom Steier

8 Keys to Building Your Best Relationships    By: Daniel Hughes

The Burden of Sympathy: How Families Cope with Mental Illness    By: David Karp

Social Literacy    By: May Riggs Cohen

Surviving Mental Illness    By: Linda Naomi Katz

The Girl In The Mirror    By: Lumi Winterson

I Am Not Sick, I Don’t need Help    By: Xavier Amador

When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness    By: Rebecca Woolis


Stop Walking on Eggshells    By: Randi Kreger and Paul Mason

Disarming the Narcissist    By: Wendy Bahary

Borderline, Schizoid, and Narcisstic Adaptations: The Pursuit of Live, Admiration, and Safety    By: Dr. Elinor Greenberg

Essential Papers on Narcissism    By: Andrew Morrison

It’s My Turn     By: Tina Fuller

Malignant Self-Love   By: Sam Vaknin

Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist…      By: Margalis Fjelstad

Traumatic Narcissism     By: Daniel Shaw

Will I Ever be Good Enough     By: Karyl Mcbride

You Might be a Narcissist if…    By: Paul Meier, Lisa Charlebois & Cynthia Munz


Franklin and the Thunderstorm  By: Paulette Bourgeois

The Fear Fix    By: Sarah Chana Radcliffe

The Invisible String    By: Patrice Karst

The Worried Child    By: Paul Foxman

There’s A Nightmare in My Closet    By: Mercer Mayer

There’s No Such Thing As Monsters    By: Steve Smallman and Caroline Pedler

Very Worried Walrus    By: Richard Hefter

Wemberly Worried    By: Kevin Kenkes

What to do When You Worry Too Much    By: Dawn Huebner

Wilma Jean The Worry Machine    By: Julia Cook


Religious Compulsions and Fears: A Guide To Treatment    By: Avigdor Bonchek

What to do When Your Brain Gets Stuck – A Kids Guide to Overcoming OCD    By: Dawn Huebner

Mr. Worry    By: Roger Hargreaves

Up and Down the Worry Hill    By: Aureen Wagner

Talking Back to OCD    By: John March

Freeing Your Child From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder    By: Tamar Chansky

Religious Compulsions and Fears    By: Avigdor Bonchek

Etzot Vehadrachot    By: Dr. Greenwald

What to do When Your Child has OCD    By: Aureen Wagner

Because We Are Bad: OCD and a Girl Lost in Thought      By: Lily Bailey

Brain Lock     By: Jeffery Schwartz

Freedom from Fear: Overcoming Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic     By: Howard Liebgold

Freedom from OCD…    By: Jonathan Grayson

Freeing Your Child from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder      By: Tamar Chansky

Getting Over OCD: A 10 Step Workbook…       By: Jonathan Abramowitz

Loving Someone with OCD       By: Karen Landsman, Kathleen Rupertus, & Cherry Pedrick

OCD in children and Adolescents-A CBT Manual            By: John S. March & Karen Mulle Friesen

Religious Compulsions and Fears: A Guide to Treatment      By: Avigdor Bonchek

Stop Obsessing: How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions       By: Edna Foa & Reid Wilson

The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD               By: Jon Hershfield, Tom Corboy and James Claiborn

The Taharas Hamishpacha Workbook…          By: Dovid Kaufman

What to do When Your Brain gets Stuck A Kid’s Guide…      By: Dawn Huebner


The Explosive Child    By: Ross Greene

Defiant Children    By: Russell Barkley

The Kazdin Method for Parenting the Defiant Child    By: Alan Kazdin

Overcoming Overspending    By: Olivia Mellan and Sherry Christie

Childhood Interrupted    By: Kathleen O’Malley

Parenting from the Inside Out    By: Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell

The Porn Trap    By: Wendy Maltz and Larry Maltz

Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety and School Refusal    By: Andrew Eisen and Linda Engler

The Misunderstood Child    By: Larry Silver

How to Be a Superhero Called Self-Control!    By: Lauren Brukner

I Can Be a Gibbor    By: Sara Blau

The Happiness Trap    By: Russ Harris

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook    By: Bob Stahl and Elisha Goldstein

Why Zebras Don’t get Ulcers    By: Robert Sapolsky

Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Kids    By: Jennifer Solin and Christina Kress

After The Tears    By: Jane Middleton-Moz and Lorie Dwinell

When Am I Going to Be Happy: How to Break the Emotional Bad Habits That Make You Miserable    By: Penelope Russianoff

Over It: A Teen’s Guide to getting Beyond Obsessions with Food and Weight    By: Carol Emery Normandi and Laurelee Roark

The Right Moves to Getting Fit and Feeling Great    By: Tona Schwager and Michele Schuerger

The Creative Journal for Teens: Making Friends with Yourself    By: Lucia Capacchione

Mindsight    By: Daniel Siegel

In an Unspoken Voice    By: Peter Levine

Life’s Journey: Exploring Relationships – Resolving Conflict    By: Batya Ludman

Self-Help Stuff That Works    By: Adam Khan


A Bad Case of Stripes    By: David Shannon

The Six Pillars of Self Esteem    By: Nathaniel Branden

Your Perfect Right    By: Robert Alberti and Michael Emmons

Think Confident, Be Confident/ Think Confident, Be confident for Teens  By: Leslie Sokol and Marci Fox

Ten Days to Self Esteem    By: David Burns

Let Us Make Man    By: Avraham Twerski

Self Confidence: Formulas, Stories and Insights    By: R’ Zelig Pliskin

Life’s Too Short    By: Abraham J. Twerski

The Power of Self-Esteem    By: Nathaniel Branden

Real Kids Come in all Sizes    By: Kathy Kater

All Made Up: A Girl’s Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype    By: Audrey Brashich

Body Talk: The Straight Facts on Fitness, Nutrition and Feeling Great About Yourself    By: Ann and JulieDouglass

A Look in the Mirror: Freeing Yourself From the Body Blues    By: Valerie Rainon

Am I Fat? – Helping your Children Account Differences in Body Size    By: Joanne Ikeda and Priscilla Naworski

Cutting    By: Steven Levenkron

Self-Injury: When Pain Feels Good    By: Edward Welch

Bodily Harm: The Breakthrough Healing Program for Self-Injuries    By: Karen Conterio, Wendy Lader, Jennifer Kingson Bloom

Breaking the Silence    By: D. Mandel and D. Pelcovitz

Surviving Disclosure    By: Jennifer Schneider and M.D. Corley

Healing Sex    By: Staci Haines

The Illusion of Love    By: David Celani

Abuse in the Jewish Community    By: Michael Salamon

When Your Child Has Been Molested    By: Kathryn Brohl

      Adult Survivors

The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse    By: Wendy Waltz

I Can’t Get Over It, A handbook for trauma survivors    By: Aphrodite Matsakis

Hush    By: Judy Brown

The Wounded Heart, Hope for Adult Victims of Child Sexual Abuse    By: Dr. Dan B. Allender

The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook    By: Glenn R. Schiraldi

Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse   By: Ellen Bass

Hush: Moving from Silence to Healing After Childhood Sexual Abuse    By: Nicole Braddock Bromley

The Courage to Heal Workbook: For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse    By: Laura Davis

Voices of Courage    By: Michael Domitrz

Lucky    By: Alice Sebold

A Beautiful World    By: Gregg Milligan

Father’s Touch    By: Donald D’Haene

Triumph Over Darkness: Understanding and Healing the Trauma of Childhood Sexual Abuse    By: Wendy Ann Wod

Child Sexual Abuse: The Search for Healing    By: Christopher Bagley and Kathleen King

Overcoming Childhood Sexual Abuse   By: Sheri Oz and Sarah-Jane Ogiers

      Child Survivors

Grow: My own thoughts and feelings on stopping the hurt    By: Wendy Deaton

Please Tell: A Child’s Story of Sexual Abuse    By: Jessie

A Terrible Thing Happened    By: Margaret Holmes

Cory Helps Kids Cope with Sexual Abuse: Playful Activities for Traumatized Children    By: Liana Lowenstein

My Body is Special: A Family Book About Sexual Abuse    By: Cynthia Geison

I Told My Secret: A Book for Kids Who Were Sexually Abused    By: Eliana Gil and Sally Haskell

Something Happened and I’m Scared to Tell: A Book for Young Victims of Abuse    By: Patricia Kehoe

Finding Sunshine After the Storm: A Workbook for Children Healing from Sexual Abuse    By: Curtis Holmes

Catie the Caterpillar: A Story to Help Break the Silence of Sexual Abuse    By: Tracy M. Schamburg

The Color of Secrets: Encouraging Children to Talk About Abuse    By: Kimberly Steward

Some Secrets Should Never be Kept    By: Jayneen Sanders

Wesley’s World    By: Vivien Resofsky

      Teenage Survivors

The Me Nobody Knows: A guide for teen survivors    By: Barbara Bean

It Happened to Me: A tee’s guide to overcoming sexual abuse    By: William Lee Carter

Courage in Patience: A story of hope for those who have endured abuse    By: Beth Fehlbaum

Strong at the heart: How it feels to heal from sexual abuse    By: Carolyn Lehman

How Long Does it Hurt: A guide to recovery from incest and sexual abuse for teenagers, their friends and their families    By: Cynthia Mather

In Their Own Words: A sexual abuse workbook for teenage girls    By: Lulie Munson

We Are Not Alone: A teenage girl’s personal account of incest from disclosure to prosecution and treatment    By: Jude Christine Angelica

Too Close for Comfort: A book about teenagers who have been sexually abused within their families    By: Joy Hayward and David Carlyle

Journey to Wholeness    By: Monique Lang

      Parents of Survivors

When Your Child has Been Molested: A parent’s guide to healing and recovery    By: Kathryn Brohl and Joyce Case Potter

The Mother’s Book: How to survive the incest of your child    By: Carolyn Byerly

Hush    By: Judy Brown

Not My Child: A mother confronts her child’s sexual abuse    By: Patricia Crowley

Mother of Incest Survivors: Another side of the story    By: Janis Tyler Johnson

When the Bough Breaks: A helping guide for parents of sexually abused children    By: Aphrodite Matsakis

No Right Way: Voices of mothers of incest survivors    By: Tracy Orr

Strong Mothers: A resource for mothers and carers of children who have been sexually abused    By: Anne Peake

Sibling Abuse: Hidden physical, emotional and sexual trauma    By: Vernon Wiehe

Kids Helping Kids Break the Silence of Sexual Abuse    By: Linda Lee Foltz

I Never Told Anyone Before: Managing the initial disclosure of sexual abuse recollections    By: Janice A. Gasker

Spiders and Flies: Help for parents and teachers of sexually abused children    By: Donald Hillman

How Long Does it Hurt: A guide to recovery from incest and sexual abuse for teenagers, their friends and their families    By: Cynthia Mather

How to Survive Sexual Assault for Women, Men, Teenagers and Their Friends and Families    By: Helen Benedict

      Partners of Survivors

What About Me? A guide for men helping female partners deal with childhood sexual abuse    By: Grant Cameron

Why is it Always About You?    By: Sandy Hotchkiss

Survivors and Partners: Healing the relationship of sexual abuse survivors    By: Paul A. Hansen

Allies in Healing    By: Laura Davis

Ghosts in the Bedroom    By: Ken Graber

How Can I Forgive You?    By: Janis A. Springs

Outgrowing the Pain Together    By: Eliana Gil

When You Are the Partner of a Rape or Incest Survivor: A Workbook for You    By: Robert Barry Levine

If She is Raped: A Guidebook for Husbands, Fathers and Male Friends    By: Alan McEvoy

When A Man You Love was Abused: A Women’s Guide to Helping Him Overcome  Childhood Sexual Molestation    By: Cecil Murphey

How to Survive Sexual Assault for Women, Men, Teenagers, and their Friends    By: Helen Benedict

Hush    By: Judy Brown


The Safer Society Handbook of Sexual Abuser Assessment and Treatment    By: Mark Carich and Steven Musack

Building a Better Life    By: Pamela Yates and David Prescott

Applying the Good Lives and Self Regulation Models to Sex Offender Treatment    By: Pamela Yates


The Erotic Mind    By: Jack Morin

Male Sexuality: Why women don’t understand it and men don’t either    By: Michael Bader

A Guide to Getting it on    By: Paul Joannides

Sex From Scratch    By: Sarah Mirk

What Your Mother Never Told You About Sex    By: Hilda Hutcherson

Shame and Guilt    By: Jane Middleton-Moz

Thinking About Me, Thinking About You    By: Michelle Garcia Winner

Think Social    By: Michelle Garcia Winner

Conversationally Speaking    By: Alan Garner

Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking    By: Allen Carr


Trauma Through A Child’s Eyes    By: Peter Levine and Maggie Kline

The Courage to Heal    By: Ellen Bass and Laura Davis

The Sexual Healing Journey    By: Wendy Maltz

Stolen Tomorrows    By: Steven Levenkron

Children of Trauma    By: Jane Middleton-Moz

Trauma and Recovery    By: Judith Herman

Complex PTSD: Surviving to Thriving    By: Pete Walker

The Body Keeps the Score: Healing of Trauma    By: Bessel Van Der Kolk

The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: and Other Stories    By: Bruce Perry

Waking the Tiger    By: Peter Levine

The Hair Pulling Problem: A complete guide to trichotillomania    By: Fred Penzel

The Verbally Abusive Relationship    By: Patricica Healy Evans

After School Programs

Reach out to us about after school programs.